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University of Gloucestershire Library

Business : Journals

Library Resources for Business

Recommended journals and magazines

The Leadership Quarterly
Journal of change management
Harvard Business Review

Searching for journals by title video

Searching our journals collection with Browzine

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Library Discovery

Journals and magazines

What are journals?

Journals are regular publications that can be categorised as Academic/Scholarly Journals or Trade Journals & Current Affairs/Magazines. Business journals are available online only. 

Journals are

  • published daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly - therefore the material is up to date
  • generally, the first place that scholarly research is published
  • sometimes considered 'peer reviewed', this means that articles have been critically reviewed by experts prior to being published.

Searching for journal articles video

Conference papers

What about conference proceedings?

This is a collection of research papers delivered at a conference or symposium. Proceedings are available from UoG search tools such as Library Discovery, SCOPUS, as well from services like GoogleScholar and SemanticScholar.  

Searching for journal articles via individual databases

  • ConnectedPapers
    Creates a visual map of published research, shows links between papers containing references. 5 free maps per month.
  • Elicit
    A free AI literature search tool using similar natural language searching  Displays and summarises relevant papers. See FAQ.
  • GoogleScholar
    Searches scholarly materials. Use Settings to select the Library Links to access content to which the UoG Library subscribes.
  • SemanticScholar
    Searches and retrieves scholarly publications based on the importance and relevance of cited papers using machine learning techniques.

These tools can be used to form more rich links between research above citation connections.

Using the Inter-Library Loan service

Article not in library?

Use the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service to obtain journal articles not held by the university. Primarily for final year undergrad students, postgrads, researchers or academics. Staff and students have an initial allocation of free requests. More information is available in the Guide to Inter-Library Loans

LibKey Nomad web browser extension

Find out more by watching the short video which explains how the extension works.