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University of Gloucestershire Library

Business : Books

Library Resources for Business

Finding books in the library

UoG Library book collections

Search Library Discovery for our print and eBooks. Results show the book location, organised on shelves by topic.

Remember to limit your search results to University of Gloucestershire to just display our own holdings.

Using our eBooks

eBook collections at UoG

UoG eBooks are available in Library Discovery. They can also be accessed via our eBook provider platforms.

Our main eBook provider is 

Proquest eBook button.

Benefits of eBooks

  • Search book for particular words, or names
    Find relevant content on a particular topic, enabling you to locate content quickly.
  • Download eBooks
    eBooks can normally be downloaded for short 24hr periods onto your local device.

ProQuest eBook Central Videos

eBookSoS campaign - quick video

Library Discovery

Finding books with Library Discovery

New Books

New books list

Have a look at the full list of new resources for your subject.

Inter-Library Loan service

Book not in the library?

Use the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service to obtain print books and chapters from print or electronic books not held by the university. The service is primarily for final year undergrad students, postgrads, researchers and academics. Staff and students have an initial allocation of free requests. More information is available in the Guide to Inter-Library Loans

Main subject areas in the Library

Topic Shelf number
Business Ethics 174.4
Economics 330
Hospitality 647
Business Research Methods 650.072
Accounting 657
General Management 658
International Business Management 658.049
Human Resource Management 658.3
Managing Change 658.406
Leadership 658.4092
Operations Management 658.5
Marketing 658.8
Consumer Behaviour 658.848
Advertising  659
Recreation, Travel & Tourism, Events 790's

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