Take a look at our video below for an introduction on using your Resource Lists for new students.
Reading lists for each module, also known as resource lists, are produced in a tool called Talis Aspire. Each Moodle module site should contain a link to the reading list.
The reading list may contain books, journal articles, and links to other web content such as online videos. The lists are a great one-stop shop to the key materials your lecturers will expect you to use. They can provide
For a quick introduction to your online reading lists, watch the student video on this page.
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You may also find it useful to refer to Talis’ own accessibility statement.
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We have tested a sample of pages on the website. If you find an issue we have not yet identified, you can report it to us. We’ll pass this information to the website owner who will review the issue, make sure it is included in our plan to fix issues and add it into the accessibility statement when it is next updated.
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