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University of Gloucestershire Library

Education: Teaching Resources

Library resources for education courses
Where in the world are you


The Great Trouble
The Final Year
The Mellons Build a House
Stones and Bones
The tree and the river
If I were Prime Minister
The Story Orchestra: the Planets
Charles Darwin's On the origin of the species : big ideas for curious minds.
Dictionary of dinosaurs
Over and under the Rainforest
Up in the canopy
The rainforest book
The solar system
Grumpy monkey
The Oak tree
A climate in chaos
I'm sticking with you
The kindest red
What Do Grown-Ups Do All Day?
The ice children
Do Penguins Like the Cold?
Bright Stars of Black British History
Ten-Word Tiny Tales: to Inspire and Unsettle
Brilliant Black British history
Computer coding for kids
Magic and mystery of trees
Forces and magnets
Vocabulary Ninja
We are the shapes
John Agard's Windrush child
Now or never
Different kinds of freedom: a Romani story
Two sisters: a story of freedom
The Book of Brilliant Bugs
Earth's Incredible Oceans
The rock from the sky
My beautiful voice
Legacies: inspirational figures from Black British history
The heart of a giant
The girl and the dinosaur
Migration: journeys from Black history
Places: important sites in Black British history
Darwin's tree of life
Water cycles
Under your feet
Poems to perform
Bandoola: the Great Elephant Rescue
The good thieves


Children's literature

Teaching Resources collection

The Teaching Resources collection in FCH library includes picture books, children's fiction, non-fiction books, fairy tales, short stories,  poetry, big books (fiction and non-fiction), dual language books and Storysacks®.

The collection is divided into

  • Non-fiction
  • Picture books 
  • Children's fiction
  • Short stories 
  • Early years

Have a look at the list of recent additions to the collection.

National Literacy Trust

Children and young people's reading in 2024 report

The National Literacy Trust report shows that the number of children and young people who say that they enjoy reading, and read daily, in their free time continues to decline.

When children and young people enjoy reading, they read more often, helping to build vital reading skills and bringing wider benefits for wellbeing, confidence and learning.

If we are able to encourage a culture of reading for pleasure and create a daily reading habit, children are more likely to build the vital literacy skills they need to thrive.


100 ideas for primary teachers maths
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Science
100 ideas for primary teachers writing
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: History
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Outstanding Mathematics Lessons
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: outstanding English lessons
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Supporting Students with Dyslexia
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Supporting EAL Learners
100 ideas for primary teachers art
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Supporting EAL Learners
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Questioning
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Differentiation
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Managing Behaviour
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Gifted and Talented
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Engaging Learners
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Assessment for Learning
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Mindfulness in the Classroom
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Numeracy Difficulties and Dyscalculia

How do I find a resource?

All materials in the collection are searchable via Discovery. By looking in the 'Availability' section on the Discovery record you will see where the resource is kept in the collection and how long you can borrow it for. 

For example, picture books  have the location TR Picture Book with the shelf number P/B and are then shelved in alphabetical order by author. 

Non-fiction items are shelved using a simplified version of the Dewey Decimal classification scheme used in the rest of the library.  

Tip: to find a picture book which addresses a specific subject, enter the subject terms pictorial works and  juvenile fiction alongside your main search term in the Discovery search box, for example gender pictorial works juvenile fiction

How long can I borrow an item for?

Many  items can be borrowed for 6 weeks but there are also some 7 day and 3 day loans. Items that you borrow will automatically renew unless another student places a hold request.

All items can be borrowed using the self-issue totems, you will have to hold up larger items in front of the totem.

Web resources

Books for Keeps

CfSA Directory

Main subject areas in the non-fiction collection

Topic Shelf number
Animals, insects and birds 590s
Computing 004-006
Earth sciences 550s
Evolution 570
Famous people 920
Geography 910
History 900s
Languages 440-490
Literacy 400
Maths 510
Music 780
PE 796
Plants 580s
Poetry 821
RE 200
Science 500

Recommend a resource

Is there a book we do not have, that would make a useful addition to the collection? Do we need books on a particular topic? If so, let us know using the form below, click on the Start new book request button below.