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University of Gloucestershire Library

Research guidance: Library support for Research Students

About this page

This guide is designed to help Research students use library services effectively. The library service has access to a range of services, tools and collections to support and promote research at UoG. 

My.Glos and the UoG Research Support site

Key sites at UoG

MyGlos is a great starting pointMy.Glos Library and IT tile 2024 screenshot to navigate the University’s website with access to important student information, plus news and events. The IT and Library link provides access to the IT Service site and Library Website, along with your library borrowing account.

The PG Researcher site has information specific your level of study including research resourcesethics, and writing your thesis.

Screenshot of options from PG research site

There is also the PGR Hub Moodle site, which is organised in to sections that represent the key lifecycle points of a research degree, in addition to a wealth of support information.


Access print and eBook collections

FCH Library in Cheltenham has the arts, humanities, natural and social sciences, education, computing, engineering and media collections. Oxstalls Library in Gloucester has the business, law, health, social work, sport sciences, and performing arts collections. 

Use Library Discovery, our online research gateway, to find specific textbooks, eBooks or to perform a general search to locate resources about your area of interest.

Library Discovery screenshot

You can restrict your search to the ‘University of Gloucestershire’ and ‘Book’ to find the shelf number, campus location, and loan status of a print book, or a link to an eBook. 

Borrowing from the library

Students can borrow 20 physical books or items at a time. When on campus use the Self-Service machine to borrow and return books.

View your loans and check the progress of your holds through the

  • IT and Library site on MyGlos
  • Self-Service machines in the library
  • Sign in option on Library Discovery and selecting My Account to view your Checkouts.

All items, except laptops, will automatically renew, as long as no one else has requested them. 

Finding books with Library Discovery

Finding an item on my resource list?

Module reading lists

The reading or resource lists for the research methods modules (MR401, MR402, MR403) are on Moodle. Items on the resource list link directly to Discovery, which shows item availability, format (print or online) and campus library location for print items.

Talis book screenshot

Access to other Libraries

Sconul access scheme

Join Sconul Access to borrow or use books at other libraries in the UK or Eire. UoG research students can join 4 libraries. Apply online.

Many countries allow citizens to use collections of state funded educational institutions, if there is a suitable library near you ask about external membership options.

Access to Software

Software downloads

University of Gloucestershire students can download the following software to their own devices without charge while they are on a course. Office 365 Pro Plus, SPSS, NVIVO and Endnote 20. Guides and video tutorials are available. Request the software from the Software Downloads page

Discipline-based Library Guides

Using Library Subject Guides

Select the Library Subject Guide that is the best match for your research, use several subjects if your proposal is cross-disciplinary. These flag up the best journal databases for the topic, significant learning resources and will introduce the subject librarian who can advise on literature searching and referencing enquiries. 


Using Journals

Journals are generally published monthly, quarterly, or annually, containing articles covering current research and new ideas. They provide focused subject coverage. Many are available online. To find out whether the University holds a particular journal, use the ‘Journal Title Search’ option from the Library Links menu in Discovery.

Locating journal articles on your topic

The library purchases online journal databases that supply articles on a particular topic. Articles are mostly full text.

Journal Collections at UoG

The Library Subject guides identify the most appropriate ejournal databases. Alternatively, these database and tools are accessible at UoG are available through our A-Z list of online resources. A citation index eg Scopus identifies highly cited articles and influential published authors. 

Inter Library Loans 

Articles and books not available through UoG could be obtained using Inter-library loans service. Articles acquired through this service are sent as digital copies to your student email, and books may be obtained on short term loan from another UK library. Consult the guide to using Inter-Library Loans

Access to online resources off-campus

Online resources can be accessed off-campus. Online databases and electronic journals may ask you to log in via Institutional Access to associate you with the University of Gloucestershire. Please use the links provided on the Subject Library guides or our A-Z list of online resources

Searching for journal articles video

Research Repository

UoG Research outputs

The Research Repository promotes the University’s research publications and doctoral theses. Most content is available as full-text documents.

research repository screenshot

Help and support

Accessing support through the Library

A range of support is available either in person, via Microsoft Teams, or through online tools.

Skills training

Librarian led sessions eg skills in database searching, evaluating resources and referencing, will be useful throughout your studies. You will be offered training sessions during your course.

1-1 appointments

Appointments can be made with your Academic Liaison Librarian for help and advice on literature searching, resource access questions or referencing. Support is also available through the Library's Study Skills team.

Skills for Study

A self-paced online learning tool which may help you develop your academic study skills. Themes include academic writing, critical thinking, research principles, and referencing. The first time you log in, you will be asked to set up a personal account using your UoG email address. 

The Library has also created a resource list for Study Skills support materials for items available in or through the University libraries.

Referencing and Plagiarism
  • Use the UoG referencing guides to identify the correct style for your subject.
  • Endnote referencing software can be used to automatically manage your bibliographies and references in your style of choice. Video tutorials are available.
  • Cite them Right online is a comprehensive guide and tutorial, with lots of help and tips for citing and referencing different sources using Harvard, MHRA, APA and OSCOLA styles..